The Spire of Archon

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The Spire of Archon

The Spire is the stronghold of Lord Ackrovan in A New World Opens.


Before the rise of the Kingdom, the land was ruled by an ancestoric civilation, only known today as the Ancients. The Spire of Archon was meant as a capital seat of goverment and learning in the height of their power.

More on the origins and purpose of the Spire as the story unfolds


The Spire of Archon's stands at almost 2000 feet tall. A huge building, the is protected by an outer wall that is made of cement. It stands on no island; huge pillars from bellow its basement keep it from sinking into the sea. The only way to access it is through four ports, only one of which has been restored. Able to hold a fleet of 200(50 in each dock), it has the ability to wage war all on its own. Currently in ruin, only a tiny portion has been restored if compared to the rest of the complex