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Tantonia is a tiny nation and village located on the northwest corner of Tanton in A New World Opens. Most of the 280 Tantonians are refugees from the Kingdom. Tantonia is currently led officially by Mayor Gabthen, who acts as the top authority. However, the wandmaker Griseham is the one who truly leads Tantonia; all major decisions are usually run past him if possible, and any order he gives is obeyed.

Tantonia holds allegiance to no other faction or nation, and are downright hostile towards the ever-expanding Kingdom. However, they are cordial with the native Tantonites, and do try to reach out somewhat to their more independent neighbors.

Tantonians come from many walks of life; almost all formerly belonged to the Kingdom. Most of them, including the original inhabitants, arrived by accident, wrecking on the isle. Some were previously Tantonite tribesmen who decided to assimilate into the Tantonian culture, and a rare few were mages who came to be isolated and free from the Kingdom.

Location and Influence

File:Tanton Isle.jpg
A rough map of Tanton Isle. Tantonia is on the northwest side on the shore of a lake connected to the ocean via a channel dubbed Independence Channel.

Located on the northwest side of Tanton Isle, Tantonia consists primarily of a single village and has little to no influence on the outside world. It's positioned inland, on the shore of a lake connected to the ocean and shielded by dense forests and mountains. Tantonia has stayed hidden from the world mainly through a combination of their remote location and luck. Tanton's dense forests and mountainous terrain make it a poor candidate for expansion by the Kingdom, and it lacks any real natural resources worth exploiting. This also serves as a drawback for Tantonia, however; It's impossible to get normal supplies and equipment without importing it.

Thankfully for Tantonia, the expenses accrued by importing goods is far offset by the exportation of Griseham's wands. Tantonia's coffers are primarily based on the anonymous sale of Griseham's wands. More recently, it has also been improved by the sale of weaponry and armor produced by a local blacksmith. Despite Tantonia's anonymity, Griseham's wands are known throughout the Kingdom.

Dealings with Other Factions

For the most part, Tantonia is withdrawn from the world. However, they do deal with certain other factions.


Main article: Tantonites

The Tantonians get along well with the native people of Tanton. In return for hunting wands, the Tantonites provide game meat and Ralyin Berries. The Tantonites also keep the Tantonians briefed on island events.

The Kingdom

Main article: The Kingdom

Most Tantonians hold a deep-seated disgust and hatred for the Kingdom. Indeed, most are refugees from the Kingdom, or at least those who hold little love for it.

Nebulan and the Tower of the Arts

Tantonia and Nebulan's once-tower of the arts coexisted peacefully until it was destroyed. A small Tantonian party has been sent to the tower for salvage and to investigate the attack that destroyed it.

Yndigo and Hawk Isle

After Nebulan's tower was attacked, Griseham decided to reach out to Nebulan's nearest neighbor, Yndigo and her bardic college. The initial visit went well, and Griseham hopes for diplomatic relations well into the future.


Tantonia's military power is fairly limited.