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Above is a map of ANWO's islands; the Mainland can be seen on the western edge. Brown marks off territory and yellow and red marks off towns and notable locations on specific islands.

The story of ANWO has only revealed a small portion of the mainland, or Andaria, as the country has been named. It is split near the center by a river, distinguishing the sides of upper and lower Andaria very specifically. The lands in the upper portions of The Kingdom generally have higher elevation and lower temperatures. Just to the west of the current map to the right, the upper portion becomes mountainous.

The lower area of Andaria is pleasant towards the coast. It is filled with deciduous forests and several rivers. Towards the middle the land becomes a warm, humid swamp and is known for its occasional outbreaks of disease originating from the marsh.

Notable areas including the High Tower of the Arts and Hexen’s Castle are placed a short distance away from major rivers. This location allows them to better mobilize troops and resources with the attribute of increased speed and transportation via ship or boat.