Spacecraft in PS
Note: this page is for the discussion of generic ship models only. Heavily modified ships, or unique designs should not be included in this list.
Derilict Designs
The ships of the Derilict Republic are designed with space maneuverability in mind. All ships (with the exception of fighters and bombers) have no wings, and while any competent captain could land on a planet, the odds of lifting a steel hull over 6,000 yards long is not very likely. Thus one can see why all Derilict designs are produced in space itself. Most Derilict ships' primary weapons are not plasma or railguns but the T-86 Starlancers they carry with them. It is also important to note that Derilict ships do not use pressurized hangar bays, except for cargo transport and repairs.
T-86 Starlancer
- Full article: T-86 Starlancer
The Starlancer is the staple in Derilict miliary tactics. Measuring 1 cSn in width (including wingspan) and 2 cSn in length, it is armed with eight anti-ship missiles, two Cronus nuclear missiles, and two small plasma cannon. Its four rear-mounted LAMFM engines can propel it to incredible speeds.
S-16 Dropship
- Full article: S-16 Dropship
Measuring 3 cSn long, the S-16 Dropship may not seem like much, but it is one of the most versatile craft around. Its uses range from wreckage towing to ground troop movement to repair work and anything in between. When empty, it rivals a T-86 for speed, however, with a full load of fifty men and supplies, it is rather slow, and makes an easy target for enemy ships.
Derilict Starcruiser

- Full Article: Derilict Starcruiser
The largest ship in the Republic's arsenal, the Starcruiser is a whopping three Sn long and carries a skeleton crew of 300 men. With its internal interstellar transport and 12 huge LAMFM thrusters, the Starcruiser can carry eight squadrons of T-86 Starlancers and a small land army of troops when fully equipped. The ship bristles with plasma and missile turrets, and any enemy hit with ammo from the huge railguns mounted below the bridge will be totally and utterly destroyed. However, all the weapons and armor make it rather slow and hard to maneuver, and it is quite expensive, only four are known to exist, all are currently defending the Derilict System.
Titan Destoyer
- Full article: Titan Destroyer
Measuring 1.5 Sn long, the Titan is the only ship in the Derilict Arsenal that doesn't carry Starlancers on-board, making up the difference with a lot more weapons and engine. The result is a quite effective ship bristling with weaponry and capable of incredible speed and manuverability (when comapred to other ships its size). It is commonly paired with an Atlas Carrier.
Atlas Carrier
- Full article: Atlas Carrier
Measuring 2 Sn long and carrying fifty squadrons of T-86 Starlancers, the Atlas Carrier more than lives up to its namesake. Although rather light on weaponry, the Atlas makes up for it with 16 LAMFM engines and internal interstellar transport. Along with its fifty squadrons of Starlancers, the Atlas carries a skeleton crew of 100 and a 10,000 man land army, as well as several squadrons of dropships. Its sacrifice on the weapons front allows this, but it still qualifies as a lumbering beast, easily outpaced by Titans and even by Starcruisers. However, its heavy energy shields can withstand the full broadside of two destroyers, if power is routed correctly to compensate.
Derilict Frigate
- Full article: Derilict Frigate
Measuring .75 Sn long, the Derilict Frigate is the only major ship without built-in interstellar transport. As the mainstay in large Derilict Navy strategems, the Frigate carries four squadrons of T-86 Starlancers as well as a company of land troops. It uses the extra power from the absence of interstellar systems to bulk up on shields, LAMFM engines, and various other neccesities, making it the fastest large-scale frigate currently in production.
Aldarian Designs
Aldarian ships play to Aldari's strength: it's advanced weaponry. Aldarian designs tend to be heavily armed and armored. They tend to sacrifice speed, maneuverability, and carrier capabilities in exchange for superior firepower. As a general rule, any person caught unprepared by an Aldarian vessel should consider running as quickly as possible, assuming one survives long enough to make that decision. However, they suffer from logistics issues, which can make them difficult to field.
F-44 Silver Fighter
The main fighter of the Aldari fleet. Shaped like a crescent, with a width of 3 cSn and a length of 1 cSn. It's moderately armored and equipped with two LAMFMs and an Impulse thruster for excellent speed and maneuverability. A DEF Emitter also helps protect it from enemy fire. Its armaments consist of a quartet of Pulse Rifles and 10 anti-fighter missiles.
The F-44 Silver is generally considered to be a menace in a dogfight. However, its pulse rifles do not regenerate ammo, meaning that, during extended battles, an F-44 will need to return to base periodically to rearm. Silvers therefore rarely stray far from a mothership or hangar.
FB-90 Blitzer Fighter-Bomber
Aldarian fighter squadrons are often led by one of these. The Blitzer Fighter-Bomber is a triangular craft slightly larger than a Silver, armed with two sets of triple pulse rifles and a battery of Aldari nuclear torpedoes. It's moderately armored like the Silver, but boasts an actual shield generator instead of a simple DEF. It carries three LAMFMs for propulsion, supplemented by a pair of Nuclear Impulse engines for deep-space travel.
The Blitzer can do serious damage in a fight, capable of taking on enemy fighters and frigates with equal ease. The one drawback is, again, that they don't regenerate ammo, and while they do carry more ammunition, they still require rearming after every battle.
C-73 Sentinel
Aldarian interests are protected primarily by the Sentinel-class Corvettes. 40 cSn long and 30 wide and tall, these form the backbone of the Aldari navy. Their main chassis is cylindrical, with four wings attached to the back forming an X. Heavily armored, twice-shielded, armed entirely with pulse rifles and plasma cannons, and propelled with eight Nuclear Impulse thrusters, the Sentinel is a powerful warship. Four pulse turrets on the main hull provide protection against enemy fighters, while the rest of the weaponry is geared for taking on larger ships.
The Sentinel uses a crew of 15, but can house 40. Unlike other Aldarian ships, the Sentinel is designed to be somewhat self-sufficient. Solar panels on the hull help power the craft's various devices, its impulse engines allow it to travel in deep space, and it carries enough supplies to go for a month at a time without needing to return to a base. An interstellar drive allows it to travel without aid of a ring, and a small cargo bay makes it suitable as a raider. As such, Sentinels tend to serve any kind of role imaginable.
However, the Sentinel-class has one major drawback: Speed. Whilst the Sentinel can maneuver and accelerate very quickly, it requires all eight thrusters to work at maximum thrust to provide such speed. The resultant fuel consumption is unsustainable for any extended period of time, thus requiring the ships to move at a considerably slower pace in any long engagement or non-combat situation.
Aldarian Frigates
The Aldarians do not have a set design for frigates. Generally, each one is custom-built for whatever situation it's being sent in for.
X-101 Armored Transport
A small craft built for the express purpose of transporting men or goods, the X-101 is a favored transport of both merchants and the Aldarian military. 20 cSn long and 25 cSn wide, it's heavily armored and equipped with 6 LAMFM thrusters on the wings. A shield generator provides further protection for its valuable cargo. And like any good Aldarian ship, it's armed. It comes standard with 6 large plasma turrets to fend off attackers, though these can be easily switched out. It also includes a short-range interstellar drive, though its strongly recommended to use the Ring network instead.
The X-101 is also notable for being able to link up with other X-101s. The bridge is located on top of the ship, and the thrusters are located on the ship's wings. The front and back open up, allowing other X-101s to attach themselves and form a train. Such trains can be advantageous, increasing cargo space and consolidating control, but also are harder to maneuver and present easier targets.
B-102 Vulcan Bomber
The Vulcan-class Bomber is basically a retooled version of the X-101 Transport with lighter armor, no turrets, and a set of 6 Impulse thrusters to supplement the 6 LAMFMs. Its cargo bay is revamped into a payload bay, allowing it to carry a massive number of bombs of varying kinds. Its incredible speed allows it to quickly close with a target, deploy its payload, and then flee.
The Vulcan-class is designed to launch multiple bombing runs without needing to rearm, and to hold particularly large and devastating payloads. As such, it's the Aldarians main response to capital ships or space stations. However, it is completely defenseless and useless against faster ships such as fighters, corvettes, or even small frigates.
D-445 Rapture
The Aldarian Destroyer is a particularly deadly specimen. The 1-Sn-long 0.8-Sn-wide Rapture is capable of taking on almost anything thrown against it; its primary weapons are several artillery cannons and, more recently, Jet-Plasma Cannons, capable of quickly destroying the larger ships that come against it. It's also dotted with several pulse turrets, capable of knocking out smaller ships that dare come near it. Heavy armor and shields provide incredible protection against attack, and 10 massive nuclear thrusters, along with 5 LAMFMs, allow it to maneuver. An interstellar drive takes it to wherever its prey may hide.
However, it's incredibly slow. It can't change direction quickly, and accelerating is a painful process. Furthermore, it needs to remain close to a mothership or base for supplies, since it has limited cargo space and requires a crew of 200.
M-363 Matriarch
An Aldarian light carrier, the Matriarch is 80 cSn long and 40 cSn wide. It holds within up to 6 squadrons of ten F-44 Silvers, each led by two FB-90 Blitzers. It also has several repair bays and rearming bays, and holds the supplies needed to support the large number of fighters.
Matriarchs are moderately armored and slow, propelled by 6 nuclear impulse thrusters. They rely entirely on their fighters to protect them, having no armaments or shields of their own. They do have an interstellar drive for transporting the fighters, however, and also provide a temporary residence for their pilots.
Matriarchs were originally the main carrier in the Aldari fleet. However, the M-782 Gaia has been taking over this role, rendering the Matriarch somewhat obsolete. It is now used to transport fighters to their target, or as a base for fighter defending an area of space.
M-782 Gaia
It didn't go unnoticed by the Aldarian navy that their military forces were a logistical nightmare. Their response was this vessel. A massive, vaguely spherical craft about 2.6 Sn across, the Gaia is, in all senses of the word, a tried-and-true mothership. It holds 16 squadrons of ten F-44 Silvers, each led by three FB-90 Blitzers. It also carries six B-102 Vulcan Bombers, three X-101 Armored Transports, and eight C-78 Sentinels. It also carries all the supplies necessary to keep such a force armed, along with a network of repair bays.
The ship has a massive reactor core, necessary to power the craft. It also has individual reactors dedicated to each facet of the ship. Deep alcoves in the craft's surface hold the various hangar and repair bays, and a ring around the center of the craft is dotted with massive LAMFM thrusters. The ship is massive enough that it actually produces a magnetic field of its own, allowing its thrusters to gain thrust off of itself. 12 gigantic, strategically-placed pulse turrets allow it to defend itself in a direct and vicious manner, and well over a dozen shield generators provide protection from enemy fire. It's armored only moderately, since heavy armor plating on a craft that size would be impractical. And an interstellar drive allows it to go anywhere it wants to.
The M-782 could very well be considered a mobile Starbase. It crews over 1500, not counting the various pilots that would also be aboard. It also carries an incredible amount of supplies, generally enough to support not only the ships it carries, but also any nearby frigates, destroyers, and battlecruisers. It's generally meant to bring the full force of the Aldarians to bear on wherever it winds up.
It is, naturally, slow. This is not in fact a major drawback for the craft, since it's not designed for fighting enemy vessels itself. However, it's prohibitively expensive to make, and even worse when it comes to fully equipping the craft. Also, while it can do major damage to larger ships, it's defenseless against smaller ones, and needs to rely on the ships it carries to defend it effectively.
It's know that the Aldarians have at least three Gaia-class motherships in operation, but the exact number is unknown. The Aldarians are very tight-lipped about just how many Gaia-class ships it has, though it's known that the total number doesn't leave the single-digits.
BC-608 Armageddon
One of the most feared ships in the galaxy, the Armageddon is a force to be reckoned with. Shaped like an inverted pickax, it measures a whopping 1.6 Sn in length and 1.9 Sn in width and wingspan. Six pairs of long, jagged wings jut from its hull at odd angles, giving it an alien appearance. It's covered with an array of Aldari's finest weaponry. Everything conceivable, massive pulse rifles, plasma cannons, railguns, EMP cannons, Swarmer missile batteries, artillery cannons, and even entire nuclear torpedo batteries are mounted on its hull. It also carries a dedicated DAR Cannon, armed with two Dylithanium Shells. The Armageddon is the only ship in the galaxy that carries DARs regularly. Later upgrades added 6 Jet Plasma Cannons to the front of the vessel.
The ship's belly is a massive network of hangar and repair bays. It can carry up to six regiments of F-44 Silvers, though most only carry four and use the remaining bays for frigates and other larger ships. Its cargo bay, on the other hand, is incredibly small when compared to other ships of its size. It crews 400, mainly to operate the various weaponry mounted on the hull.
The ship is protected primarily by its armor; the ship's armor has a stunning 57 Amt rating, rendering the ship itself nigh invulnerable to attack by small vessels. Small nuclear missiles can be, and have been, detonated against the ship's armor with negligible damage or hull stress. Only large ships and heavy weaponry can damage the Armageddon, though as with any ship, the thrusters and weapons are still vulnerable to lighter weapons fire. It also has an extensive shield system, making it further impervious to damage.
However, the craft is far from flawless. It's next-to-useless when carrying cargo, putting a slight strain on logistics. Its armor plating causes it to weigh as much as a Derilict Starcruiser, a ship nearly twice the Armageddon's size. As a result, despite 10 massive LAMFM thrusters and another 8 Nuclear Thrusters, it moves extremely slowly, and maneuvers even worse. And while the increased surface area provides room for more weapons, it also poses a greater target of enemy craft. It's also not unheard of for the Armageddon to accidentally hit itself with its own weaponry due to the unusual wing positions. As such, the gunners aboard the craft are usually veterans.
Eight BC-608 Armageddon-class ships have been built. Of them, six are still in service within the Aldarian Navy (four defending the Aldari System, two defending the neighboring Contra System). One Armageddon-class was taken out by a Derilict Starcruiser. The last Armageddon-class, the Starfire is part of the IceStar Alliance's fleet, and was salvaged by the Alliance after having previously been thought destroyed.
IceStar Designs
Since IceStar is a criminal zone without any government or major settlements, most ships in the IceStar system belong to other systems and were stolen or salvaged. However, the IceStar Alliance does have a small shipyard capable of producing a few unique designs. IceStar Designs tend to take after their neighbors, the Aldarians, thus favoring superior firepower. However, they value speed over protection.

IS-34 Quadfury
The Quadfury is an unusual fighter. Measuring 3.3 cSn in length and 2.5 cSn in width/wingspan, it's built to serve as both a privateer and as a main fighter. instead of normal armaments, it carries four comparatively massive wing-mounted plasma cannons, meant to disable or destroy a ship before it can retaliate. It also has one large thruster instead of several, so as to provide more thrust. A small cargo bay in the belly allows it to salvage scraps and jettisoned cargo. Heavily armored, they're capable of withstanding more fire than a regular fighter.
Early models had shield generators built into them. However, momentum from hostile weapons fire impacting the shields caused unsustainable hull stress, which would quickly result in the ship breaking apart. Combined with already present energy concerns, it was phased out in favor of heavier armor.
Quadfury Fighters are effective against larger ships, especially in number. However, against other fighters, they're somewhat vulnerable.
IS-15 StarFrost
The IS-15 StarFrost is a destroyer meant to kill enemy fighters. Measuring 48 cSn in length and 26 cSn in width, it's armed primarily with fourty plasma autocannon turrets, meant to spit out as much fire in as many directions as possible. As such, getting near one is a highly risky proposition, particularly since over half can often focus on a single target. It's also armed with four Cronus nuclear missiles to deal with larger targets. Twelve different thrusters allow it to move and change speed quickly for a destroyer, and an interstellar drive allows it to travel without aid of a Ring.
It has quadruple shield generators to protect it, but for a destroyer, it's lightly armored. Additionally, the energy required to support as many weapons, shields, and engines as it has makes it highly impractical for long term engagements, since there's a risk of the ship running out of energy and dying in the middle of a long battle.
IS-51 Obliviator
The IS-51 Obliviator is the IceStar Alliance's battlecruiser. Measuring 1.2 Sn in length, 32 cSn in width, plus an additional 44 cSn in wingspan, the Obliviator takes in design after the custom-made Phalanx. Its wings hold a compliments of 30 Quadfury Heavy Fighters, along with six massive thrusters and a dazzling array of plasma cannons and railguns big and small. It carries a massive compliment of missiles, some small and meant to deal with fighters and others massive nuclear warheads. Near the front of the hull are dual battlecruiser-class heavy plasma cannons and two battlecruiser-class railguns to allow it to hold its own against other battleships.
Its biggest weapon, however, is a "borrowed" experimental Aldarian Jet Plasma Cannon. It's same size as the dual heavy plasma cannons. However, instead of firing in a single burst, it produces a stream of plasma fire, releasing a larger build-up of energy continuously. This results in a massive increase in firepower, though at the cost of a much-intensified energy drain.
The Obliviator also has octuple-redundant shields, and lighter armor than a battlecruiser normally has, or indeed should. Like all ISA ships, it relies on superior firepower to carry the day, destroying the ships before they can get shots off in the first place. It has ten additional battlecruiser thrusters mounted on the rear and four more mounted on the sides of the hull to provide very quick acceleration and considerable speed.
Right now, due to the incredible expense of building them, the Alliance only has one in service, the ISA Epoch. It currently is located in the Coruscate System.