History of PS
AD era
Present day OoC
Increasing tensions between countries breaks out into a huge nuclear war. Within a week, the earth's population is halved, and the survivors are faced with the afteraffects of nuclear war. The planet can no longer sustain even the significantly lowered population for any length of time.
A large group of scientists, working for several years, finds significant evidence, the Ring Theory is drafted.
Construction begins on a test Ring, four months later a capsule is sent to the edge of the system near-instantly, proving the Ring Theory.
Construction of the first full-scale Ring begins, but is set back several times.
Ring construction complete, the system is brought online, and the search for a habitable planet begins.
Cronus is discovered, colonization begins.
The fusion nuclear reactor is perfected.
The prototype LAMFM engine is created, bringing the possibility of economically stable space travel. Colonization of Cronus, and other discovered habitable planets, explodes, and the earth's population drops tenfold.
Nanotech weaponry is developed, and replaces nuclear weapons as the new dreaded weapon of destrucion.
Terrorists destroy the Cronus Ring, stranding three billion on the planet. By a stroke of luck, another Ring manages to place parts for a replacement Ring in Cronus's orbit (a one one in a trillion shot in the dark). However, they discover that the planet has been the victim of the largest genocide known to man, caused by nanotech weaponry, and unable to escape, due to the Ring's destruction. All nations agreed to never, ever destroy a Ring, under any circumstances.
DE era
This era was a relative quiet part of history. Wars were fought, technology was improved, humanity expanded. IN 3867 DE, alien life was found in the form of bacteria, and shortly therafter, the first nanotech vaccines, capable of responding to foriegn organisms within an hour.
SE era
The Human Confederation is formed. The next 450 years are the most peaceful in human hiistory.
The State's Assembly is bombed by rebels. Government is quickly restored, but unrest among the colonies remains.
Rebellion erupts in a small colony, and is quicky smothered. Within months, however, most of the states have rebelled.
NE era
125 NE
Present day IC.