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The Eclipse is a D3Y60-AX Custom "Scimitar" Class Skirmisher piloted by Mitsuribi Takagami, the custom built ship not only has improved armor, energy, and shield ratings, it also has a complex music system which the user enjoys greatly. It has 4 gun ports, a turret port, a high velocity seeking missile designed for disrupting the engines of any other craft, and a mine dropper and countermeasure for dispatching incoming missiles. It has a dual core energy generator, and boasts 3 engines, one all purpose engine and two aft engines for space flight. The current load-out of the Eclipse is two particle cannons on the starboard and port wing, a particle cannon turret, a mine dropper and countermeasure to the sides of the turret, an EMP pulse cannon on the port underside of the bow, an advanced tracking missile on the starboard side of the bow, and a high intensity railgun on the bottom of the bow, it is not as powerful as many railguns due to the original model not being compatible with such a weapon. In the hands of Mitsuribi Takagami, the Eclipse is a force to be reckoned with, yet its combat with capital ships is rather lacking, even with the powerful railgun.