Staff of Adminship

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An item in: FTaWSotR
Owner: w-dueck
Item Type: Magical Lorken
Attributes: Weight - 20 lbs.
Length - 5'
Abilities: Channels Magic

w-dueck's primary and most important possession is the Staff of Adminship. It is made of iron-banded lorken, with an iron-mounted blue crystal orb at it's head. None know where it came from, save he. Contrary to popular belief, it is not enchanted with magical powers, with the exception of the orb at it's head. The staff's primary use is to channel the magical spells he casts. The orb is believed to contain a reserve of energy, although w-dueck has made no comment about this rumor. The bottom half of the staff appears to be able to hold another orb similar to the one at the top((OoC: In the RP, please don't find this. I have a story for it. :P)).

Etymology, Etc.

Anamzas Okirrorasherarkubuk Dobar translates (quite roughly) into Staff made of Aged crystal wrought through old disaster with the power of creation, carried by the leader. However, most people simply refer to it as Anamzas or simply the Staff of Adminship.